🎯 About this Template 🎯

This stage is crucial for building a solid hypothesis for problem-solution fit. Use this template to brainstorm your first Saas solutions and turn them into assumptions for your value proposition. The key is to focus on the customer and their needs, rather than the technical solution. Prioritizing the customer's perspective helps you create a product that addresses their challenges directly. This approach increases the chances of achieving a compelling product-market fit. Always remember that success lies in how well your Saas solutions meet the authentic needs of your customers.

1. Create a map of potential customers 🗺️

The first step towards creating your value proposition statement is to define a hypothesis of your ideal customer. While you will validate this hypothesis with a large number of interviews in the later stages of the B2B Saas Scaling Benchmark, you should be able to create a first hypothesis with your knowledge and a desktop search.

You can find the steps to do this in this template:

1.1 Map of Potential Customers Template

2. Brainstorm Solutions 🧠

By now you should have identified a particular need and have understood who your main customer persona is. Now it’s time to come up with ways to solve the customer need. While there are myriad ways to solve problems, eventually all solutions come down to a dozen well-known levers. You can get some inspiration from the typical examples of value propositions:

1.2 Value/Benefit Examples

Now that you've seen the examples above, it's now your turn to brainstorm ways to address your customers' pain points. While you should consider technical feasibility, feel free to think outside the box without restrictions. Remember to prioritize creating value for your customers and explore solutions beyond just technology. Keep an open mind and explore innovative approaches to deliver the best possible results for your target audience.

<aside> ❗ Focus on value for your customers, not on your technology


Go ahead and write down the solution hypothesis that best solves your customers’ pain. You should be able to come up with a dozen ways to solve your customers’ pain.

<aside> ✏️ Example:


3. Evaluate your Solutions

Among all the solutions you came up with during your brainstorming session you should now prioritize 2-3 solutions to pursue further. We have created a template that will help you evaluate and prioritize your solutions based on the following criteria: